
Creating Photo Patterns

photo patterns

It’s easier than you might think to make photo patterns

In Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Fall 2013 (Issue 52), our art director, Jon Deck, offers an updated version of Gary Browning’s classic instructions for making portrait-style scroll saw patterns from photos. The article demonstrates how to use GIMP, a free photo-editing software. Complete instructions for using GIMP or Photoshop can be downloaded below.

For more information on Photoshop, visit For more information or to download GIMP, visit

If you’re looking for software specifically designed to turn photos into patterns, check out Coyote Stencil Shop 3. It’s a simple but powerful program created for woodworkers, and online support is available. To learn more, visit

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Creating Patterns from Photos Using GIMP
Creating Patterns from Photos Using Photoshop


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