eNews: Short Cuts

Short Cuts – Issue Seven

Welcome to the seventh issue of Short Cuts!

Our quarterly e-newsletter Short Cuts is our way of staying in touch with you between issues of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts. Here we share projects, features, tips, insider scoop on books and authors, club news, and more. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it for you! Click here to sign up for Short Cuts.


Soaring Eagle Fretwork Set
Capture the grace and majesty of eagles in flight with these beautiful portraits by Charlie Dearing.
Colorful Autumn Tree
Use an easy scrolling trick to make a cheerful table decoration in an afternoon.
Halloween Fun
Download eight free patterns for festive fall decorations!
Wildlife Intarsia Woodworking
Judy Gale Roberts helps you learn the art of intarsia while you create beautiful wooden
portraits of animals.
Making Tiny Toys in Wood
Use up your scrap wood by making Howard Clements’ charming toy ornaments for your holiday tree or whimsical accents for your home.
Looking for tips and tricks to help you start scrolling or need help troubleshooting a problem? Visit the new Get Started Scrolling section of our website for help with blades, advice about saws, and much more. We’ll be adding new techniques weekly, so check back often!
Visit with artists, find patterns and supplies, and meet fellow scrollers at the Artistry in
Wood show, coming this October in Wilmington, Ohio.
Product Review
Black & Decker Cordless Mouse ® Detail Sander 
If you’re going to cut wood, you’re going to have to sand wood. Save some money and some elbow grease by using the Black & Decker Mouse Detail Sander.